

Sales Funnel & Website Expert

Jeremy McGilvrey

Results-Driven. Data-Obsessed. Relentlessly Focused on Conversions.

I Know Why You’re Here

You’re a self-made entrepreneur who’s taken a risk and staked your future on an idea you hold in your heart.

You’re a business owner who knows you’re barely scratching the surface of the impact, results and scale you’re capable of achieving.

You’re a committed leader and your website or sales funnel isn’t working.

Now, you’re searching for answers and clarity so you can continue to pursue that grand vision that ignited you to get started in the first place…at a higher level.

In other words, you’re meant for more.

Sugarland, Texas web design

Now, you’re searching for answers and clarity so you can continue to pursue that grand vision that ignited you to get started in the first place…at a higher level.

In other words, you’re meant for more.

Now if any of this resonates with you, I want you to know something:

You’re exactly where you need to be.

Because my obsession is turning your expertise into a stunning, data-driven website or sales funnel that makes a great first impression, generates high-quality leads, and exponentially grows your sales.

But before we get there, allow me to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Jeremy McGilvrey.

And I’m the opposite of every “Internet Marketing Guru” you’ve ever met.

No really.

And that’s a great thing because let’s be real…

Most of these greedy gurus are as attention-hungry and needy as the person who texts 7 times after a first date.

No, thanks.

They talk a big game about their “successes” and the money they’ve supposedly made (key word here: supposedly) – and document the trips they take to Bali as they obsessively track their social media likes.

But that’s not real life. And allow me to let you in on a little secret: they’re lying to you.

Surely, not all…however, I’d say most are exaggerating at the very least and throwing out stats and results that aren’t accurate and sure as heck can’t be proven.

I know this because back when I was struggling to get my own digital marketing to work, I hired these so-called “experts.” And 9 out of 10 of them promised me a Wagyu steak…then delivered a Whopper.

No matter how much you dress it up on sizzling plates or how many forks you add – it’s still fast food that’ll leave you praying to the digestive gods.

So, while this About section may start with me – it’s actually about you.

Why? Because I know you’re tired of the talkers, too.

You’re tired of the fake gurus who overpromise and underdeliver – who can’t even do for themselves – what they’re promising they can do for you.

Go ahead, take a look at these “gurus” websites or sales funnels. Opt in to their “selling process” and see how broken it is.

You Can Hire A “Talker”...Or You Can Hire the Best In the World

Jeremy McGilvrey and his son Tristan winning the ClickFunnels Two Comma Club Award in 2017 for producing over $1,000,000 in online sales.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Work With Me:

Ironclad money-back guarantee

Harvard educated

I’m my own best customer, I practice what I teach (sadly, this is rare)

Hundreds and hundreds of raving reviews (Trustpilot, Google, Amazon, Upwork)

Largest publications on the globe have featured my marketing strategies (Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, etc.)

Authored 2 bestselling business books (Instagram Secrets & CEO)

Created data-driven sales funnel calculators

Two Comma Club Awards (4 in total)

Authored a chapter in Russell Brunson’s book (

Obsessively track heatmaps and screen recording software (more on that later)

Unlike 99% of digital marketing “experts” and so-called gurus:

I back up everything I say with truth – showing you the mistakes I’ve made as well as the world-class successes I’ve created for myself and hundreds of business owners just like you.

Take a look at some of the amazing webpages my team and I created for our clients…

websites by jeremy mcgilvrey
What your business could (and should) look like too!

When it comes to websites, sales funnels, and behavioral-based email sequences…

I’m the best in the world…and my results prove it!

Through a tremendous amount of trial and error (I’ve paid the price so you don’t have to), I’ve assembled what I consider to be the Avengers of cutting-edge digital marketing specialists: content writers, graphic designers and coders who are insanely great at their narrowly focused skillset.

My elite team and I are here to help you develop data-driven, captivating, tightly-engineered webpages and behavioral-based follow-up email sequences that produce sustainable results.

Yes, that could be your business too…and if you’ve made it this far: it’s for a reason.

Don’t put it off any longer, because the number one regret I get from clients is a version of this statement:

“Jeremy…I wish I’d found you and started years ago.”

In as little as a few weeks, your business could finally have a conversion-centered website or sales funnel that delivers ROI in perpetuity.

All you need is one functional funnel or website to completely shift your business and give you the confidence that comes with making progress and seeing your inbox full of leads…without having to “hustle” or spray and pray with your marketing dollars.

You Can’t Afford Guesswork

“I made my money doing this stuff – not just teaching how to do this stuff.” ~Jeremy McGilvrey

When you work with my team and I you get strategies that have been thoroughly tested and are guaranteed to work (this is precisely why I can provide a risk-free guarantee for each client I serve).

What this means is I’m constantly testing new techniques for increasing conversions and finding high-quality leads. Only after I have airtight evidence the strategies work (by running countless tests on my own landing pages) I implement the techniques for my clients.

Pearland Web Design

What this means is I’m constantly testing new techniques for increasing conversions and finding high-quality leads. Only after I have airtight evidence the strategies work (by running countless tests on my own landing pages) I implement the techniques for my clients.

Here’s an example:

I recently pulled the trigger and made a large five-figure investment into a new advertising strategy. My objective was not only to generate leads for my business – but more importantly – to use this strategy to generate leads for my client’s businesses.

Takeaway here: I did not entice one of my clients to try out this new strategy until I knew beyond a shadow of doubt it worked.

This is unheard of in my industry: I tried the strategy myself with my money first…rather than my clients. Too many marketing agencies want to try new things out on their clients before there’s proof it actually works.

Unfortunately, this strategy bombed!

I lost a lot of time and money (the money I can get back, sadly, the time I cannot).

The silver-lining…

I’m incredibly grateful I did not allow one of my clients to take this loss.

On a regular basis my team and I are testing new marketing and conversions strategies. We only implement techniques for our clients after ironing out all the details and guaranteeing it works.

Bottom line is: what you get working with us is each strategy has been tested prior to us implementing it for your business, which means zero “guessing” and zero shooting in different directions and getting nowhere.

Let me show you what I’m talking about with one of my many client transformations, or what we call our “before” and “after.”

Same Business, Completely Different Results

I may as well be giving my clients total make-overs, since they come in looking one way and leaving like Victoria’s Secret models…in terms of their website or sales funnel, of course.

Take a look at the transformation my team and I took Joseph Oniwor’s business and brand through (on the image below: slide to the right to see the before, slide to the left to see the after).



A case study featuring my client Joseph Oniwor, owner of JOC.
Joe-Oniwor Fitness Coach

Joe Oniwor

“Today marks the end of our several-week long engagement with Jeremy. I do sincerely mean it when I say that I am grateful for the insights he provided, the knowledge he imparted, and the new course for my on-line presence and lead generation systems that he has helped chart.

It was amazing to me how deeply Jeremy immersed himself into the brand identity to the point that he was able to articulate all the strengths of JOC and communicate the value better than I could have imagined.

The last 6 weeks have been full of Jeremy guiding me through a complete restructuring of the client experience, implementation of new processes and controls, realignment of resources, investment in new technology, and all the other business operation changes that were badly needed.

Over the last few months Jeremy has helped me prioritize and automate the new action based on marketing to make better decisions and re-align key segments of the business.

All throughout that process, I noted that he never pushed solutions or decisions on me or in any way tried to impose anything. Rather, he ensured that he furnished me with the necessary information and context, and in some cases provided coaching and mentorship, but then he allowed me room to make the calls. I believe that through this process I have learned a great deal from Jeremy and he has positioned me to be successful.

My expectations for this engagement with Jeremy have all been more than met and have exceeded every one of them. I look forward to our next opportunity to work together and I would highly recommend his services.” 

If you’re still on the fence… click here now and get a fast quote!

What my team and I do for clients like Joseph is nothing short of extraordinary, and it’s exactly what we’d love to do for you…

We’d love to help you take your skill set, expertise and package it with conversion-focused design that instantly increases your value in the marketplace…and marry it with flawless functionality to create what any great website or sales funnel should do:

Take a stranger and turn them into a paying client, satisfied customer, and raving fan that comes back for more…virtually 100% automated.

Most Websites & Sales Funnels Are Merely Glorified Business Cards

95% of websites or sales funnels don’t actually work (they don’t sell).

What does this mean? They’re nothing more than glorified business cards that are either beautifully designed and as functional as a ‘71 Ford Pinto or look like a website that was created in the early 90s and never updated.

Many of those rare few that blend design, conversions and functionality are still missing the mark: they’re overly complicated and end up confusing the prospect (and the business owner).

Unfortunately, when it comes to digital marketing, many business owners don’t know what they don’t know.

And why should you? You’re an expert in your business! Take, for example, the fact that Schema markup can exponentially increase click through rate by 1600%…but how many people have ever heard of it or know how to code it properly?

Almost no one. This is one of countless examples that showcase the importance of not simply hiring some generic marketer…but instead a lethal one who is up to date on the ever-changing trends.

Remember: 88% of people will leave your webpage in less than 5 seconds if it does not quickly answer these 3 simple questions:

What do you do?

Why should I trust you?

How do I move forward?

Understanding what causes leads to convert – as well as what causes them to run for the hills – is crucial when creating tightly engineered webpages. That’s why I spend obsessive amounts of time watching recordings of users interacting with websites and sales funnels.

How? Through software such as I’m able to view exactly how users interact with web pages.

I’m willing to do the mind-numbing work few other marketers are...staring at recordings of webpage visitors for hours on end with the powerful tracking software Mouseflow.

How? Through software such as I’m able to view exactly how users interact with web pages.

This powerful software allows me to watch your website’s or funnel visitor’s every single move, clicks and actions (or inactions). And it’s not simply heat maps, but an actual recorded screen and the exact mouse or finger movements a person makes on a webpage.

In a sense, it’s the George Orwell’s Big Brother effect at its best – but in a good way, well, for creating tightly-engineered websites and sales funnels at least. I’ve even developed ROI Calculators that deliver data-driven feedback to ensure all the content and imagery on a sales funnel are helping a user take the next step.

What does all of this mean to you? I’ve literally spent hundreds of hours watching exactly how people interact with websites and landing pages. I know precisely what entices them to convert, or abandon your webpage and go back to looking for the bottom of their Tik Tok or Twitter feed.

I know how people act in the real world, instead of regurgitating philosophies I read in the latest online marketing book or saw on a YouTube video.

Unquestionably, my obsession of staring at my computer screen for hours and hours tracking webpage user movements provides me with a massive unfair advantage over my competitors when it comes to creating tightly-engineered websites or sales funnels for myself or my clients.

My process has been fine-tuned over hundreds of clients and is now an art and a science that transforms businesses at various stages: some stuck on a plateau, some bleeding conversions, and others who simply want to get to the next level.

Killer conversions, exponential sales and revenue gains, maximizing client lifetime value, taking brick-and-mortar businesses and turning them into click-and-order businesses….

Every. Single. Day. My team and I are analyzing and adjusting webpages to maximize conversions. Each day we’re gathering insightful data we receive from not only monitoring all of our own sales funnels – but all of our clients as well.

Tracking and improving is what my team of rockstars and I do every day that ends in a “y.”

Like A Mad Scientist, I’ve Spent Thousands of Hours In “The Lab”

At the hospital just hours prior to my son’s birth...this moment helped unlock a level of urgency and purpose unlike any other (that’s why Tristan was on stage with me when I won my first Clickfunnels Two Comma Club Award).

Above is a picture of me studying an online marketing book during one of the most pivotal moments of my life…the day my son Tristan was born. I show this to you simply because oftentimes, we’ll do more for people we love than we’ll do for ourselves.

When someone asks what drives me, why I can’t be content with “good” and need to pursue greatness…it’s because the number one thing I want my boys to know about is that their father never stopped trying. It’s what drives my pursuit for knowledge.

Coming to the realization that money can be spent once, however, knowledge can be monetized forever has certainly changed how I invest in my brain, business and brand…and my clients (and their accountants) love me for it.

Consequently, my knowledge first philosophy has been the catalyst for obsessively learning every detail on conversion-based digital marketing, the pillars of design, and every pixel of a website or sale funnel’s real estate.

Every button, icon, character of text….from headlines to CTAs – I’ve analyzed, tracked and optimized it all.

To date, I’ve spent thousands of hours peering over the virtual shoulders of thousands of website visitors…obsessively tracking their every move on all types of websites, opt-ins, and landing pages.

Yes, I’m a nerd when it comes to this stuff…let’s get that out of the way.

This obsessive tracking and attention to detail has given me the upper hand to predict exactly how someone is going to behave on a website or sales funnel…and then to match this prediction with their real actions and optimize for conversions.

But I don’t stop there…

I pour over every one of your customer’s touchpoints, including checkout, upsells, downsells, email open rates, opt-ins, and ad spend…using real data from hundreds of live sales funnels.

These insights alone are worth their weight in gold.

Don’t Be Someone Else’s Guinea Pig

Why have I spent the last decade doing what others would deem crazy, obsessive, intense (perhaps intrusive) – when most would sit back and rest on their laurels?

One word: R-E-S-U-L-T-S.

Because I’m tired of hearing from business owners who are busy running their business – and who waste precious time, money and energy on something (or someone) that doesn’t produce results.

Or worse, who are treated like a guinea pig by a greedy guru learning on their dime as they go.

And if they can somehow pull off something that looks okay on the surface – it’s likely it’s the equivalent of the influencer who uses three beauty filters to post a selfie.

I know if you’re here…that’s not what you want.

The world’s top publications have featured me for one reason: results.

And if they can somehow pull off something that looks okay on the surface – it’s likely it’s the equivalent of the influencer who uses three beauty filters to post a selfie.

I know if you’re here…that’s not what you want.

You take your business seriously and know that your financial future should never be an “experiment” for a random stranger who is throwing unproven digital marketing tactics at the wall in hopes that something will stick.

And you deserve to work with a transparent, trustworthy guide who can show you that the system will work.

That’s why I personally guarantee all of my work – literally putting my money where my mouth is.

My position is simple: I don’t deserve to take money from you…if I’m not making money for you.

Don’t Look At the Teacher; Look At His Students

In addition to my done-for-you services, I also act as a mentor to my students to help them reimagine and think in a way that levels up their entire business. They believe I’m the best in the world at what I do, not merely because of my accomplishments as an author and entrepreneur.

They call me the best because I deliver honesty, passion, and experience when it comes to the time-tested advice I give them.

I trust that my students will persist until they prevail, and they trust that I will be there to deliver the encouragement and guidance they need to succeed.

These aren’t simply students, they’re family.

It’s this rare level of trust that leads to lifelong partnerships, which allows me to achieve my dream of making an impact on those who are willing to put in the work necessary to live life on their own terms.

That’s why I no longer judge myself by my own accomplishments. I now judge myself by the accomplishments of my students.

That measuring stick – that desire to help my students reach out and grasp their wildest dreams – is why I’m not afraid to share every secret that led me to the pinnacle of the online marketing industry.

The Rock Bottom...of All Rock Bottoms

“How could you trust me with your future, if I’m not honest with you about my past.” ~Jeremy McGilvrey

Before I wrote bestselling books, won several Two Comma Club awards and generated millions in online sales; I had far less than you have right now.

In fact, I didn’t even have freedom. My journey to success began with handcuffs on my wrists as I stood helplessly in a courtroom.

For many, rock bottom is losing their job or getting a divorce.

For me, rock bottom was seeing the horror on the faces of my friends and family as the judge sentenced me to prison.

I’ll share my lowest moments because they made me who I am today.

Thankfully, a prominent Texas judge came to my rescue. The judge went to the Board of Pardons and Paroles and advocated for my immediate release.

I was given my freedom back.

But my journey and struggles were far from over…

As you saw in the video above (hopefully, you took a moment to watch), I entered back into society with nothing: no job, no purpose…not even a social media account.

Yet, I was determined to succeed despite the dire circumstances I found myself in. Working extremely hard day-in and day-out at jobs that barely paid minimum wage; my brother and I launched a business.

It quickly failed.

So I did what every entrepreneur does: I launched another business.

That one failed too.

At this point, my family gave me one of the most difficult choices of my life: they called a meeting, sat me down, and told me if I didn’t give up my dream of being an entrepreneur – they needed to permanently distance themselves from me.

That day, I made an agonizing decision…I chose my future over my family.

Why? Because I could see a vision they couldn’t. As Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen puts it: “They may have your blood, but they don’t have your spirit.”


“Time is the stuff days are made of – and once it’s spent it’s gone forever.” ~Jeremy McGilvrey

I’m a real person who has been on both extremes of success. And looking back, my crash was one of the best things that ever happened to me because it gave me the humility I needed to balance the go-getter inside.

My setback also helped me see clearly that sometimes more work is required than any sane human being will put in. You have to get crazy. You have to be unrealistic. If you want the results you have to be willing to do what most people are unwilling to do.

Every action (or inaction) – has a consequence in the future – both good and bad.

By far one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned: the moment you stop fighting for what you want, what you don’t want automatically appears.

So I’ll never stop fighting. Fighting for myself to improve daily, fighting for my two boys to have a father they are proud of and fighting for my clients who entrust my team and me to deliver results.

jeremy mcgilvrey
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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Clients & Businesses

By far one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned: the moment you stop fighting for what you want, what you don’t want automatically appears.

So I’ll never stop fighting. Fighting for myself to improve daily, fighting for my two boys to have a father they are proud of and fighting for my clients who entrust my team and me to deliver results.

It’s why I’ll always look back on my time with the US Army with pride for drilling a level of discipline in me that never left. And that discipline combined with the hunger and obsession to grow my personal and professional life exist more today than ever before.

If you’ve made it this far, I’d like to encourage you to take action and allow my team and me the privilege of transforming your business and brand.

Remember: the clock’s always ticking and there’ll never be a “perfect” time to start.

As I said earlier, nearly all of my clients end up telling me they wish they’d gotten started months or years earlier.

You and I don’t know how much time we have and our businesses aren’t just about revenue…they’re about our livelihood, our freedom and supporting those we love.

Because of my Ironclad 100% money-back guarantee: You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain.



P.S. In my book CEO, I expose many painful stories from my past. I also share numerous stories that I’m deeply ashamed of, but I believe not sharing the lessons I’ve learned from the mistakes I’ve made is a cardinal sin.

Exposing parts of my life that I’m not particularly proud of is a gift I give my readers and my sons. Because learning the lessons without paying the price is a key to success.

As a way of saying thank you for taking the time to read about my journey to success – I’d like to share a private presentation I gave for my book CEO to a small group of entrepreneurs in Houston, Texas.

A private presentation for my book, CEO in Houston, TX to a group of ambitious entrepreneurs.

I hope this talk inspires you to dream big, see obstacles as opportunities and never allow others to place their limitations on you.

Thank you again for taking the time to read about me and watching the videos on this page. If you’d like to connect with me directly please send a message by clicking here.

Refund Policy

Our unconditional money-back guarantee is that, if you…

Provide thorough answers to our New Client Onboarding Questionnaire (12 questions about your business, brand and competitors)

Allow our strategic process and proven framework to guide the content and design of each webpage we create

Reply to our questions in a timely manner (within 24 to 48 hours of receiving them)

…then when we show you the final version of your website – if you are not head over heels in love with what my team and I created – I’ll give you all of your money back plus $1,000.

A business can only make such a guarantee when they have supreme confidence they can deliver. And I’m extremely confident when you allow my team and me to build your website, we’ll over-deliver.

Best case scenario: You get the website of your dreams.

Worst case scenario: You get all your money back with our 100% risk-free guarantee.

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